David Hargrove (Brian Geraghty) is an accountant having trouble asking out his co-worker Emily Brandt (Alice Eve), who is resigning for a position with the MPO. At a Christmas party, David offers to drop Emily home. Reluctantly, David also agrees to drive home his other co-worker Corey Thompson (Josh Peck), who accompanies them. During the car ride at midnight, Corey forces David to stop at a local ATM booth, needing to get direct cash to buy pizza at a restaurant.
David spites Corey by parking some distance away, making him walk. However, David and Emily joins Corey inside when he encounters card problems. When the three are about to leave, they spot a hooded figure (Mike O'Brian) in a parka coat lurking outside in the parking lot. They panic and Corey suggests they return to the car, but David and Emily suspect the figure to be a robber. They also discover he cannot enter without an ATM card, though other circumstances soon prove this wrong.